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Thursday, 5 October 2017

The Post With the Most
Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada

I'm listening to Armin Van Buren, contemplating the meaning of life. No, not really, but just really happy today about today being today. It has been a good day. Things that I didn't expect to happen, happened. It felt good to be the recipient of some positive feedback!!

I've got a couple of compliments on the radio station . Some people are really into the type of music we play. I know in Europe the EDM genre is huge; a much better developed presence for sure. Halifax radio is just radio.

Our audience is from all over the world, but 75% of our audience is homegrown. We have friends in Norway, Iceland, India, London, Ireland, all over the world. I had a listener from China for several nights in a row. Cool...I'm into that cultural exchange!

My goal is to have 50-60 listeners regularly (daily) to start off, but I would like to get much  much bigger than that. Not too big - but big enough to host some parties and get some artists on board for premiers and interviews.

Does this sound like a large task? It is. But it's something that I want to do. It's in my bucket.

Scream Media Rocks. 

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