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Wednesday, 24 May 2017

The Survey.

A comprehensive customer or consumer survey can go a long way to help you plan and implement your marketing strategies for your company. A good survey can take some time to prepare because the number of questions you ask should be limited to keep the attention of the survey subject.

The survey can be done in person, or it can take place online, and it usually helps to offer some kind of incentive to those that agree to take the survey. Plenty of people will give you friction, or they will just pass you by totally and not participate.

But diligence will ensure that you get a favorable number of surveys completed. What is the magic number? Well that’s hard to say. I have a friend that spent the better part of an entire day soliciting people in a high income are of  Toronto, and even with an offering a token gift for their thoughts, she only managed to get ten willing respondents out of  thousands who travelled by.

Tenacity and patience are certainly good characteristics to have when doing your survey. Keep in mind though, that metrics are very important.

How you set up your questions is up to you but keep in mind that a long survey will probably result in less participation. The KISS method is usually the best method of all.

If you choose to do your survey online, be sure to use your Facebook, Twitter and other social marketing accounts to direct people to your survey. In general a ten percent return on invites to complete the survey is quite good.

I've done surveys for everything from newspapers to broadcast operations, and have grown quite fond of the challenge that harvesting respondents. Do you need more information about this or other concerns with your small business? Remember; Scream Media is always available for a consultation, in person or via telephone.

Contact us at 902-229-8230

Tuesday, 23 May 2017

So Much To Do.

Starting a new business can be a daunting task. So many papers, so many decisions, so many things to do to give your business legs. In the rush of wanting to get things done, sometimes we forget how important it is to be organized and deliberate with our marketing efforts. It is very important to know what the "bigger picture" of your marketing plan is so that you can make better decisions in the future about where to spend those precious marketing dollars.

One way of getting organized is by downloading an annual expense "template" from the internet. There are tonnes available, particularly at, and they will help you get it together by providing you with a worksheet that has been developed particularly for tracking your monthly marketing expenses. Another way of achieving organization is to set up your own spreadsheet in programs like Excel or Quickbooks. If you have access to one of these programs, use them to build a twelve month snapshot of your marketing dollars hard at work.

Why is it important to have this snapshot? Well, first, you want to know where your money is going. Second, you want to be able to put some kind of metrics behind your marketing choices, for example, ad "x" is working in that dollar range, directory listing "y" doesn't seem to be performing as you had hoped at that cost. The benefits of keeping your marketing activities organized far outweigh the couple of hours it may take to get them on a spreadsheet or on paper.

If you're starting a business or just trying to get the one you have organized, and you feel that it's a task you'd rather not deal with, contact Scream Media for professional advice about marketing plans, business plans, digital marketing, and many other business related products and services.

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Do you find yourself with a great idea for a product or service, but without the skills to bring them to market? Let Scream Media and our sister company that deals with SEO and digital marketing, Social Media Guy, show you how to bring it all together and monetize your ideas today!