What is an Audio Blog?
An audioblog is a blog with vocal recordings as its central part. For example, a podcast, a a type of digital media consisting of an episodic series of files subscribed to and downloaded through web syndication.How can I take advantage of the audio blog on my website?
An audio blog gives you the opportunity to shine as leader or an expert in your field, a top seller for your product, or simply act as much needed fresh content to your website or web presence. Giving your audience a voice to recognize with your brand is a powerful way to sway sales your way by proving that you have what it takes to take listeners on as customers while offering solid suggestions about how they might use your products to keep the status quo or to innovate a process or service.
As mentioned, the audio blog can be presented in multiple formats, but is usually created in an mp3 format. Depending on your desired outcomes, an audio blog can be a heavily produced piece or three simple channels of audio - your expert, your interviewer and whatever technical background you desire.
Setting up an audio blog requires varying degrees of expertise. A three track layout is simple to use, but in order for the blog to flow properly both the presenter and the marketing professional putting the blog together must have a certain amount of knowledge about that which they are blogging about.
Generally, audio is produced using some type of mutli-track software. This type of software is easily available on the web for purchase. As usual, steer clear of "free" software offers as they usually end up being some type of scam or malware.
Not unlike radio journalists, audio bloggers may choose to write scripts, voice pieces of the blog separately and have multiple interviews within the interview. In any case, the audio blog is a worthy, tech possible source of portable content for your web collateral.
For more information about audio blogs, please contact me. I would be happy to identify areas that would be appropriate for further development in you organization.